About Us
Our Company
[ State of New York Licensed and Bonded Private Investigation Company ]
Uniworld Corporate investigations and Security Specialists LLC is an independent consulting firm that provides investigations, security and management consultant services. We specialize in general and fraud investigations, security services, anti-corruption orientation programs, implementation of Rule-Based-Oriented initiatives, enforcement of compliance rules and regulations programs, organizational problem analysis, coaching and training and providing technical support for management relating to organizational leadership in security and investigative strategies. Uniworld business conglomerate is committed to professionalism, accountability, and reliability and all services are rendered in flat fee rate for maximum services for our clients.
UCISS Services
Uniworld services are not restricted but offer wide range of global services through our professional associates. Our specialists will always strive to deliver the best in high value goods and services to our clients.
We render unique services to agencies, corporations, and individuals in diverse areas to enhance sustainability. We specialize in supporting clients in investigating white collar crimes, general investigations, asset searches, internal investigations, conflict of interests, detection and prevention of employees’ fraud, background checks, fact-findings, executive protections, and general security management services .We also conduct surveillances services and other related security and investigation services.
Company Background
Uniworld Corporate Investigations & Security Specialists LLC is a limited liability company, incorporated in New York State since 2007. Our operations are not limited but multi-services, national and international providing comprehensive investigation and security services and other business ventures through our accredited principal(s) either national or international, our branches, appointed agent, business associate; herein as worldwide services corporate ventures. Uniworld Corporate Investigations & Security Specialists LLC is New York State licensed and bonded Private Investigation Company.
UCISS Core Values
Our goal is to support and provide our client’s authentic and vital information by utilizing our expertise and knowledge in exploring various techniques. Our business organization is built on the core values of professionalism that brings about integrity, credibility, and confidentiality to all our clients
Uniworld Management
The organizational management and strategies are based on core values to promote efficiency, reliability, and sustainability to ensure clients satisfaction in accordance with the aspiration of our Executive Director, Dr. Mannixs Paul, PhD.
Founder/CEO: Dr. Mannixs E. Paul -PhD, MPA, CFIP, FNAMA, FCFIP.
Dr. Mannixs Paul is the President of Uniworld Corporate Investigations and Security Specialists LLC, USA, and Chief Facilitator of Uniworld Professional Training Academy. He is an Associate professor in the Campus School of Business and Technology, University of Phoenix and Continental Director for the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigations Professionals, USA and member of the Global Faculty of IICFIP. He is a professional Management Consultant, Certified Facilitator in the higher institution of learning, and Certified Forensic Investigational Professionals that is committed to the promoting of due diligence and implementation of change in organizations. He is the proponent of the Afro Red-Flag Protective Shield, “pragmatic fraud preventive innovation for the continent of Africa.